Sunday, October 11, 2020

Week 59: 3 companions and lots of talks

 Hello everyone!

This week was really really good!

2 days worth of general conference (semi annual conference where our church leaders speak and drop comfort and wisdom on us) and 2 days worth of exchanges ( changing companions and and sometimes areas for a day). So the week went by fast fast.

General conference was amazing. We watched it mainly as missionaries with minimal snack but my spirit got fed. They talked so much about trials being hard, but GOOD. I always need that reminder. Why we have trials and how awesome they are , and w a loving god on our side we can get the most out of challenges and fulfill life's purpose of growth! But we can also acknowledge they're hard!  Even when it feels like God isn't there, he is, always with us, "pure love personified". He is there for His children always, but won't just remove trials, despite being able to. They also spoke so much about love and loving everyone. Just so many messages I and many needed to hear ! I highly suggest looking it up and checking it out! 

Aa for the exchanges, I did an overnight exchange with the zone leader elder Fetzer in our area and a day one with elder Allen in his. Fetzer got special permission to come overnight which was lit. Going with a new comp for the day always teaches me an insane amount, giving me new ideas and things to work on. The missionaries I went with are a lot more like me, work and friend wise, So the days flew by. They're just different in lessons and with people too so its refreshing. 

I also learned to appreciate vegetables as I harvested some in a service project. They are way cooler than I thought. How they grow and what part we eat!

I also saw llamas w Allen.

All in all a great week comes to a close. No 18 month mission announcement in general conference sadly, but with weeks flying by I may not need it. Just kidding, I'd still take it.

Have a great week

Love, Elder Fiore

1. General conference with Lawrence!
2.Tahitian bread pass off. She makes it for me
3. SCandalous
4. Pumkin service. This is what was posted on IG. Pray for FB
5-8 Coulee Hike! with our "district". Not actually a district but our bubble we chill with!

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