Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 14: Got a little cocky


So this week was good. Same as always as far as work but I feel like we are grinding a little bit more which is great. I saw a dead cat too. The city area is great.

I sewed my pants too which was a first. I also bought material and am learning how to make ties.

I got devastating news that tevas are actually not allowed. Oops. Now i wear crocs instead. So much more professional. There's a small win in the loss.

So about the subject... We watched a practice cock fight fior like 40 min one day and learned how to train and maintain fighting cocks. It was so cool and really bad as far as animal rights. He had like 20 cocks in his house and we saw the whole procedure. Post pre and mid fight. It was top as they say in french. They are scary though. 

In actual sad news, not just footwear, we had a horrible experince with someone we were teaching. I cried. My first day here I had taught my first lesson to a woman and it was super powerful. We engaged her to baptism. We had a few good lessons too. We went to visit her and her sister one night and as we were walking up she started screaming and swearing at us. She threatened to kill us if we came closer and was going crazy. I have never been yelled at more. I was honestly scared and she started coming at us a bit. Our car was stuck too and someone had to come pull us out, so we hid behind the stuck car out of sight as she calmed down. She has been progressively getting worse in worse with drugs, so that's why she was like that. I learned in that experience that with all the highs and joy of missionary work and helping people, come the true lows of being able to do nothing at all. I want to help her so badly. I know we can. But we cant. We were helpless.

We had a miracle happen too yesterday. Long story short we repeatedly called this mom and she didn't answer until our final random effort days after any contact. We came to teach and right off the bat she said she wants to be baptized and the obstacle that had always prevented her is solved. There's a lot more to the story but I truly saw it's not me who does anything or changes people. It's God. He prepares people and we are just instruments in His hands. We need to act on the promptings, but it's not us who does the work. It was a true miracle but I don't have time for the beauty.

Oh we also finally went to Papeete in the market. Advantage of FA'AA.

i love you all and thank you for the continued support.

 Mom Note:

Zach shared more details of the stories from his email when we spoke with him. It was a much better connection this time! 

Every week I go into his google drive and copy all the pictures onto our computer here at home. It's fun to see all his additional pictures -  and try to guess what they are and who they are. Sometimes we see a picture (or video) and know that he took it for one of us (or all of us and it's a family thing:). For example:

Other pictures , I just love seeing parts of the fun they have :

What he's eating:

And the daily stuff:

The sunsets:

Missionary life:

Learning and studying:


And calls home:

Misc chicken stuff: 

The unique and the cute:

The Homecoming!

 To say we were excited is an understatement! I spoke with Zach that morning before he left: We were all anxiously awaiting at the airport! ...