Friday, February 14, 2020

Week 25 Blessings on blessings on blessings


Just to start off I have given 45 priesthood blessings in a month. It is so hype and we've seen some miracles, felt the spirit strongly and I've cried with some of the situations people are in. I gave a blessing to a 17 year old and a baby in a coma this week alone. 

God blessed us with a better week after I struggled last. We invited 10 people to baptism, no rejections,  and had banger lessons with everyone. Literally everyone we are teaching progressed so much and we are really seeing what the gospel can do to help people. It was  a crazy week lesson wise and progress wise for me and the amis. We were also in the hospital every day, and I got root beer twice. On top of all the great work, we ate with members 4 times in two days this weekend, and one was traditional Tahitian food which was soooo good. Maa Tahiti! We also taught an English class at the Church which was fun. English connect!

I also found out Mami Anna and Mami Mareta used to be great friends and voyaged to the Cook islands together! But now Mami Mareta is being mean and I'm on team Anna. Anna has tried to reach out but Mareta is straight up rude so what can you do.

So yea this week was a good one, other than Josh's birthday which made me very homesick. Happy Birthday Baby Josh. Crazy he's 17 now dang. He's my brother btw to those who don't know. But yea Friday sucked.

I've definitely seen the power of the Priesthood and have learned to really use it confidently. I know we have God's power and authority to do miracles, bring comfort, and to act in his name. I've seen some tough things here in the hospital but also have felt the Spirit strongly.

I'm also starting to understand the Book of Mormon in Tahitian which is cool.


Elder Fiore

Mom's note:

I'm adding pictures where I think they fit!

At the hospital:

With some friends:

1 comment:

  1. All cultures have unique attributes to thier social structure. I'm glad your experiencing Tahitian ones. Sounds like the Mami's are a tall lesson in forgiveness and tolerance. I fondly remember the Navajo's on my mission not willing to be baptized when they knew the church was true until they were convinced that we were friends. I went dry for 4 months and then had 8 baptisms in my last month in the area. Serve the people, learn about them, their history, their struggles, the language. They will see it and love you more for it, and your love for them will grow. I'm glad you enjoyed the food. A great way to connect with the people is through their food. Learn to cook it. Have an investigator teach you how. Trust me it will be an amazing experience for you and them.
    We are making squirrel traps in YMs. Hoping to catch a few, then Learn how to skin them and cook them. Your brother might have a nice squirrel wallet when you get home. And a new recipe to try on you. Enjoy your time, remember Ammon teaching king Lamoni.


The Homecoming!

 To say we were excited is an understatement! I spoke with Zach that morning before he left: We were all anxiously awaiting at the airport! ...