Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 4: Singing for 6 continents and an apostle!

Hey everyone, 

Hope all is well at home.

The mtc continues to be fun and tiring. Lots of learning, mainly vocab in french and how to begin teaching. We've gone over all the fluff or bread of lessons and haven't really started the meat. I've learned lots still though.

Other than class most of our time is spent trying to meet people. Elder Pugh and I say hi to everyone. It's super fun and a bit awkward.  I met a guy from Tahiti doing it! I said bonjour and he was surprised I spoke french. It sparked a conversation. Turns out he's serving in... Toronto!! We're swapping countries for a couple years. I have random people around the mtc that I know and genuinely say hi to now. Saying hi and talking go everyone is the way to live. I highly recommend it for you guys back home. Makes me and them so much happiness!

We had a few fun big devotionals / meetings this week. We had a huge birthday banger for President Nelsons 95th. Well, we watched a birthday banger. It was still fun and out of routine. Lots of good music that differs from our usual hymns. We also had an apostle speak to us (a guy who is high in the church and wise)! Elder Stevenson (Apostle) came and we sang nearer my God to thee as the choir. I was on camera singing in front of 6 continents (MTCs in other countries around the word) and an apostle. Don't mean to brag. He also gave a good message on using the book of Mormon and it's TRUE powers. jeez that autocorrected to caps, must be true.

I also got to host new missionaries. That means I pulled them away from their family in an underground parking lot and walked them to their room and class. I also got to wave at nervous parents and run beside their car. So fun. Had a couple going to vancouver, one to detroit, and one to Lyon. the Lyon guy is a huge Hull fan (soccer).

And in much sadder news, I cut my bracelet to play ball. I talked to three levels of bosses about it, always getting passed on to the higher and gave up when it came to the head of the mtc in which I needed to schedule an appointment. I'll just burn it back on later smh. 

But back to happier news, Rachael... I mean sister Clement is here. Most reading probably know who she is. She's going to Thailand and we overlap for 6 weeks. I've seen her a couple times around already. It's fun to have some familiar faces around. She also brought a package of some nice stuff from my mom so that was a bonus. 

Warning-- Slightly religious lol:
We've talked and studied a lot about the restoration of the church and the first vision this week, which in a super quick summary is the story of Joseph Smith (14 year old boy) seeking the true church, and eventually praying for answers. He was then being visited by God and Christ and received what he was looking for. If you want more of a summary  than that hit me up or look it up :). I know that when we ask questions, pray for things in faith and seek answers, we will find them. Maybe not as dramatic an answer, but we will receive one. God wants us to reach out and truly wants the best for us. We will receive answers and I have countless times. 

Hope everyone has a fantastic week and say hi to people. you'll be happier and so will they. I've been real life r bombed (ignored) a lot though. Just a heads up. 


Elder Fiore

1. Me with Tahiti --> Toronto guy!!!
2. Me, Pugh, Swenson, and Davis pre apostle. We knew someone good was coming!
3. Me and Pugh with two random people we said hi to on our nightly meeting people walk
4. Me and Sister Clement! Us following  Page 33 and other pages in rule book (No touching girls)
5. My district in our actual chairs! We work there everyday!

It was fun talking to Zach today. I got a tour of his room in the MTC and "met" his roommates and his companion. Josh was able to join us for the call and they were able to chat about life and everything in between.... I love how in so many ways I see how he has grown and is growing - and then see how he is classic Zach:) 

Here are a few extra photos he has taken:

His room:

He said more pictures will be going up now that I sent him tape (I put tape into his package that I sent with Rachael)

Their snack bin - lots of packages and lots of snacks!

The sad deed:

Still always looking for sunsets

The Tahitian Book of Mormon:

Bumping into Rachael

Rachael was going to bring Zach's passport to him  - until we found out it was a federal offence to carry someone's passport across the border without the person. If they searched her and found it, she could be detained and his passport cancelled and he would have to reapply for the passport and then his visa. Oops. Who knew?? 

Anyhow, we are now dealing with all the complications of getting his original passport back to him and handing back in his temp passport. It looks like he is going to have to come home to do the 15 min exchange. Crazy, but so may hoops. It will all work out but is a bit of a pain....

***If you have questions about what a mission even is - then you might want to check out 
some Q&A's at our family blog Raising Flowers and Skids

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The Homecoming!

 To say we were excited is an understatement! I spoke with Zach that morning before he left: We were all anxiously awaiting at the airport! ...