Friday, August 30, 2019

Week 2: Learning to kinda live alone


Firstly, Id like to clarify what the MTC is for those who didint see my moms email. Its a Missionary Training Centre where ill be for 9 weeks learning french and Tahitian, along with church stuff. My bad for not explaining.

We now have a daily routine which is nice. 6:30 wake up, breakfast, 3 hours study, either church or language, whatever the schedule says, exercise, lunch, 3 hours french mixed with church, dinner, 3 hours french mixed with church. Some stuff change but its pretty much that.  But yea, lots of french. I can now pray in french really well, testify, and ask someone to be baptized ;) . I also learned all the church words and stuff.

Ill start off with my health, hygiene, and living no parents updates. Ive started consistently flossing which is great. Havnt missed a day yet. The foods good but unhealthy. We can eat as much as we want and there are tons of options. Anyone who says its bad is a complainer (no offence to those who have said its bad). Its unhealthy but fine. I ironed for the first time alone too. Only once though. Im fine with a little wrinkly. Lastly, for exercise time we either ball up (basketball DW) or go to the workout room. I usually just go on the bike machine and watch mormon messages as my companion does "leg day". Im not tryna workout everyday. the movies are good.

We've started teaching lessons both in English and in french. They say we're teaching a real non member in the english ones but I dont know about that. If shes fake, Shes an incredible actress though wow. Its been really fun teaching real no matter what. 

There are really really nice murals all around the MTC too which I really like. I like the one about Moses and came up with a deep analysis. A random guy clapped after over hearing it. If you want to hear shoot me an email and ill tell you. there should be a picture attached of that mural.

We had a testimony meeting (Sharing our beliefs) in french and it was such a powerful experience. Everyone sucked and said the most basic things but it kinda showed our base and  beliefs. We just humbly said what we knew and believed about the simplest things in the church.I felt the spirit so strongly and that kinda eased my nerves about language. I dont have to be perfect in the language for someone to learn and feel comfort through something im saying. Same goes with the fake lessons we're doing. 

If youve made it this far I have a fun piece of info for you.  I also joined Choir! I was a tenor 1, which I know know is way to high for me. It was not pretty. It was fun though kind of. Ill be real, the director was fun, the singing hurt my throat and ears. I also got a package with a backscratcher ( thanks Gabe? or family) which will be so useful. Now i have a massager and scratcher.  

Hope all are well back home,

Elder Fiore

Class view is beautful
Blurry moses mural
Friday temple day!
Our district with a scripture!
Tahiti boys Found the Tahiti flag (they change them up)
Class view is beautiful.

Zach's Interpretation/analogy of the mural:

I just really like the contrasting skies in it on the left and right, other than the image of the people walking. They have the stormy clouds overhead to represent Egypt ( they were enslaved in)  which they're leaving and brighter skies to represent safety obviously but I noted another potential reason. People always talk about this story and talk about the faith it took moses to split the sea. I think the skies show the faith it took the children of israel to follow moses and cross the sea. All they can see is the dark sky and lighting when they first started and the grand waves covering the other side They just have to trust moses and have faith that the other sides clear and nicer when they started walking. They can't see the beautiful sky but they trust moses, have faith, and go forward with him anyway.

We were in Hawaii for our second call. We were able to add Josh and Reggie into the call! In the morning, Zach asked laundry questions (Shout or Spray n Wash...). We loved talking to him!

***If you have questions about what a mission even is - then you might want to check out 
some Q&A's at our family blog Raising Flowers and Skids

Friday, August 23, 2019

Week One: Missionary Torture Centre

Hey Guys, 

The MTC (Missionary Training Centre) has been horrible and I want to come home. Its been the absolute worst.

Just kidding! Tricked you! The MTC has so far been really good. Its so weird walking around and seeing all these 18-20 year olds in the exact same situation as me. Its been kind of powerful seeing how grand everything is and seeing how many people are here. 600 new missionaries came in with me August 21st. 

My companion is Elder Davis ( selfie guy in pics) is from guess where? Utah! He's been awesome and is super kind and fun. I was worried about getting someone bad, but am safe for the next 9 weeks! There's a large Tahiti misisonary population which is really cool. Our district (group) is french speaking, mainly tahiti and some Africa. theyre all really cool guys who im already bonding with.

Some things i've had to deal with: my shirt collar gets way dirtier than I expected and im scared of washing it, I hang 5 shirts per hanger since I brought none, My neck is red and in pain from wearing a collared shirt all day and I carry around a 20 pound backpack everywhere I go. Somehow everyone else is bagless in seattle and im lugging around mine. I dont know how other do it. 

I've been non stop working. Language and spiritual stuff. I've learned so much but have had a headache both nights. My head's over saturated.We've mainly gone over purpose and french. I'm better at french than most but am learning so much.

I only kind of get homesick at night but the scripture Alma 26:27 has helped a lot. It talks about having patience and you'll overcome sadness and afflictions. I miss home and everyone a lot at night but I know with time it'll be okay. 

Its still weird but so cool seeing my missionary tag in mirrors and windows. I haven't really gotten into a routine yet but i',m already getting the hang of things. I can't wait to continue learning more each day and to eventually go to Tahiti. I hear timeflies after the first three days (which are meant to be long), but it's already going decently fast, so it'll really fly. 

Oh and I memorized Moroni 10:5 in french ;)

Love most of you and you can just hit reply to email me personally- just make sure you dont reply to all I guess. Until next week,

Elder Fiore (Zach)

1.My closet 
2. Me with MTC
3. Me with Elder Davis
4. Me and Geneva ( fellow Ontario Mormon)
5. My district (french group)  at Provo temple

(I (Leah) also snuck in a few from our first FaceTime call)

***If you have questions about what a mission even is - then you might want to check out 
some Q&A's at our family blog Raising Flowers and Skids

Day one at the MTC

Hey Guys,

We get to email you right away for some reason. Not much has really happened to share to be quite honest with you. Samsung typing is harder. We have phones now. 

All my nerves completely left as soon as I started walking in the mtc. If was powerful seeing all the missionaries here and how grand it all is. It's not even that the mtc is distracting like people say, it's more that its humbling. So many people going through the same and in it together. The.vibes super positive and spiritual as well which made it easier. I had literally no time to unpack so I'm just carrying around a bunch of stuff which h has been the only negative. 

The first few hours have gotten me e en more excited than I already was to be out here and to be going to Tahiti. I can't wait to learn more and am eager to get started. I've already had some wisdom dropped on me and we haven't even started.

It's weird but cool seeing my reflection in windows and mirrors and seeing the tag. Its powerful as well.

I don't really miss you guys that much now but I know I will tonight so I'll say miss you. Talk to you soon. I think my p day is Friday. Can't confirm though. We'll see friday.

Love you lots,

Elder Fiore 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Zach's Farewell Talk

Good morning brothers and sisters!

So for the people sitting here wondering why there are so many new faces here, I figured I'd start off saying that I'm leaving on my mission to Tahiti, French polynesia in a couple of days and I may have invited a few people. 

I’d like to thank everyone for coming today. All the usuals and then of course everyone else who came out more for me. I appreciate you being here despite it adding a lot of pressure for the talk and really adding to my nerves. That sounds like a joke, but it’s not. 

When I was younger, one of my main mission hesitations was for some reason having to give this talk. I’m not a huge fan of public speaking so knowing there was a guaranteed talk on the horizon made me very nervous. It being my biggest worry probably wasn’t that logical though, I'll be honest.

Throughout the year and the summer, I have been asked a ridiculous amount of times what I'll be doing next year by all sorts of people. I never really know what to answer. Them asking often leads to me trying to not really get into the details and just saying i’m going to Tahiti. My good friend Ian on the other hand always wants me to have to awkwardly explain to random people more details so he often asks “for how long zach” or “what are you doing there zach”  forcing me to roughly explain what I’m gonna be doing. I’ve seen from those many conversations and understand that missions aren't something many people know much about or have even really heard of so I figured today I would first dive into what serving a mission is and what being a missionary is to me. 

The daily routine for a missionary is waking up at 6:30 am, exercising, studying alone, studying with your companion, both language and spiritually, preparing for the day and then going out, serving, teaching, or proselating. I’m not even too sure to be honest but it's similar to that. 

As a missionary you do lots but it’s primarily learning, serving others, and teaching.

The main activity of missionaries isn’t just simply knocking on doors as many believe. In fact in Tahiti it's not that at all. I hear you bang on a fence instead ;)

So that’s a very general idea of what the daily life is, now for the purpose.

Missionary work for me is about giving people the opportunity to learn. To learn about the Gospel and our church and everything found within. Many people see missionaries as people out there to force religion on others and shove Book of Mormons down their throats. 

Simply put, being a missionary for me is just allowing people to make an informed choice with what they want to do. Being there gives locals the opportunity to be taught, but also the option to turn it down. I’m there for the people of Tahiti in a religious sense if that's what they desire.

I’m ready to be rejected time and time again, but am also ready to teach the one person who says they want to be taught.

Another huge aspect of the mission for me is service. Serving and helping people there with whatever they need in any way I can. Whether that be humanitarian efforts or teaching english.

My purpose there is to love the people there. It’s to love everyone there, regardless of their situation or past. To help whoever needs help and in whatever way I can. 

To bring hope to people's life. To help people find purpose. I want to teach them about God and Jesus Christ and his Atonement because that's what gives me hope and purpose in life. 

All in all, the purpose of my mission is to bring happiness to people. That may come from religion, it may not. I’m there either way to try to share that happiness and joy. 

I decided I wanted to serve a mission a couple years ago after I did a humanitarian trip in Ecuador. I had never truly served or helped anyone before that, not in a big way, and after doing that I felt so good. We taught religious discussions and did other missionary activities and home visits and I fell in love with it. I had always thought it would be boring and slow, but I was so wrong. I saw the positive impact of what I was doing on others and myself and wanted more. From then on, I had in my head what I wanted to do and clearly didn't change my mind. 

I want to serve a mission for many reasons.

Religion and this church has shaped me so much and turned me into who I am today. I have become so happy with a big factor being the religion in my life. I want other people to see if they can find the same happiness in the same way. 

There are many aspects of the church that have touched my life that I want to share. 

Firstly, there's Jesus Christ and his Atonement. I have found comfort in my life knowing that I can always be forgiven and improve from mistakes I’ve made because of the Atonement and Christ taking on all our sins. Repentance helps me self assess and see my weaknesses and then motivates me to improve. I want to show people the same hope I have, in showing them that they can be happy and have a good life, regardless of their past. That they are forgiven for any mistakes if they simply have a true desire to improve and move on from the mistake. And that they can and should forgive themselves too. I know progression from faults can come through Christ, so I want people to have that opportunity. 

The Atonement also constantly gives me comfort in knowing that there was someone else who has experienced everything I have. We are not alone in anything we go through, and that's helped me in some tougher times. If I’ve found comfort through that and relied on it in the small trials I’ve faced, I can only imagine how amazing that comfort would be to someone who experienced something so bad that they truly feel alone in.

There are many aspects of the Atonement which can help people and bring hope. I want to introduce these things in people's lives and allow them to use it if they'd like. To allow them to continue in their learning and learn more and more about it.

I also want to share the power of prayer. Prayer is something I use constantly for comfort and help. Whenever I go into something challenging my nerves are always calmed after a prayer. I'm a pretty anxious person, so prayer has helped me a lot in calming those nerves. I feel more confident after having said a prayer. 

In alma 37 he says to "Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he (the lord) will direct thee for good;

Prayer is an outlet I want to be able to teach. I want to show people that they can talk to God personally whenever and wherever they like and God will be with them, aid them and bless them. I want people to be able to use this gift which has brought me so much comfort, whenever they want. God wants to hear from us, and I just want to show people that they can use the tool I’ve appreciated for so many years. 

I can't teach everyone everything, but I want to give everyone the opportunity to learn what I’ve learned. You can’t know if you like something until you try it. My goal is to offer people the chance to try it.

I also want to serve a mission to grow in my own understanding and learn about myself. 

Simply just in life, no relation to church at all, I wanted the opportunity to mature, and live on my own. To be in the real world. I wanted this time to learn about myself and go to a new place with new people. I know I'm going to come back more mature, with more wisdom, and knowing how to do laundry and cook! 

Spiritual wise, I want the opportunity to study each day and have the time to learn more about this gospel. In everyday life, church often gets pushed to the side and placed behind school, and work, and friends, and family. I am so excited to have the opportunity to finally be able to focus on learning and discovering new things. 

I also can't wait for the opportunity to help others. I don't care how I help. I can help by teaching or not. At home, most things I do are for me. Every single day. I study so that I can have the knowledge, get good grades and get into the school or program I want. I work so that I can have money. I go out because that's what I like to do. I want to do something to help others. It may be a long time and put off the things for me, like schooling and work, but it's not about me. I want to help others. To potentially bring people happiness with what has brought me happiness, Jesus Christ and the gospel, but to just serve and love and be selfless. I want some time in life where I can forget myself, and simply serve others.This is that time for me and that opportunity.

Ecclesiastes 3

To every thing there is a aseason, and a btime to every purpose under the heaven:
atime to be born, and a time to bdie; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

I know without a doubt in my mind that this is my time to serve  - whether it be planting seeds, or harvesting the garden. This is what I want to do. I know without a doubt in my mind that I will help people and improve. I know without a doubt that I will have the hardest experiences of my life, but some of the happiest. 

It’s not to say this isn’t challenging . I find leaving home so so hard. I also feel completely unprepared. Like i'm going into a final fourth year university exam only knowing high school material. But I know with effort, and faith and the right intentions I’ll be fine. I’ll miss so many of the little things in life, but also learn to appreciate them. 

I know that this church contains so many truths and I know it has brought me so much happiness. I’ve seen the impact it has on people's lives and if I can come back from Tahiti in two years, having made one person happier, having impacted someone's life for the better, I know I will have gone for a reason. 

This isn't everyone's path in life, but I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing and where I'm supposed to be going. I love this gospel, I love the values it teaches and the impact it has had on my life. I know that the missionary programme has helped so many people in their lives, and their search for happiness and purpose. 

 Lastly, I just want to thank all the people who have influenced me in my life - my good friends, my leaders and teachers who put up with me but taught me a lot! I’d like to also thank my grandparents who love and support me. And lastly, I want to thank my family. my
Siblings who I’ve grown wiser with and appreciate so much. And my parents in particular for all the help and support you’ve provided throughout the years and leading up to my mission. You’ve done and do so much for me
It’s insane.  I know that you are all with me as I set out on this adventure and be sure to email ;)

The Homecoming!

 To say we were excited is an understatement! I spoke with Zach that morning before he left: We were all anxiously awaiting at the airport! ...