Friday, August 30, 2019

Week 2: Learning to kinda live alone


Firstly, Id like to clarify what the MTC is for those who didint see my moms email. Its a Missionary Training Centre where ill be for 9 weeks learning french and Tahitian, along with church stuff. My bad for not explaining.

We now have a daily routine which is nice. 6:30 wake up, breakfast, 3 hours study, either church or language, whatever the schedule says, exercise, lunch, 3 hours french mixed with church, dinner, 3 hours french mixed with church. Some stuff change but its pretty much that.  But yea, lots of french. I can now pray in french really well, testify, and ask someone to be baptized ;) . I also learned all the church words and stuff.

Ill start off with my health, hygiene, and living no parents updates. Ive started consistently flossing which is great. Havnt missed a day yet. The foods good but unhealthy. We can eat as much as we want and there are tons of options. Anyone who says its bad is a complainer (no offence to those who have said its bad). Its unhealthy but fine. I ironed for the first time alone too. Only once though. Im fine with a little wrinkly. Lastly, for exercise time we either ball up (basketball DW) or go to the workout room. I usually just go on the bike machine and watch mormon messages as my companion does "leg day". Im not tryna workout everyday. the movies are good.

We've started teaching lessons both in English and in french. They say we're teaching a real non member in the english ones but I dont know about that. If shes fake, Shes an incredible actress though wow. Its been really fun teaching real no matter what. 

There are really really nice murals all around the MTC too which I really like. I like the one about Moses and came up with a deep analysis. A random guy clapped after over hearing it. If you want to hear shoot me an email and ill tell you. there should be a picture attached of that mural.

We had a testimony meeting (Sharing our beliefs) in french and it was such a powerful experience. Everyone sucked and said the most basic things but it kinda showed our base and  beliefs. We just humbly said what we knew and believed about the simplest things in the church.I felt the spirit so strongly and that kinda eased my nerves about language. I dont have to be perfect in the language for someone to learn and feel comfort through something im saying. Same goes with the fake lessons we're doing. 

If youve made it this far I have a fun piece of info for you.  I also joined Choir! I was a tenor 1, which I know know is way to high for me. It was not pretty. It was fun though kind of. Ill be real, the director was fun, the singing hurt my throat and ears. I also got a package with a backscratcher ( thanks Gabe? or family) which will be so useful. Now i have a massager and scratcher.  

Hope all are well back home,

Elder Fiore

Class view is beautful
Blurry moses mural
Friday temple day!
Our district with a scripture!
Tahiti boys Found the Tahiti flag (they change them up)
Class view is beautiful.

Zach's Interpretation/analogy of the mural:

I just really like the contrasting skies in it on the left and right, other than the image of the people walking. They have the stormy clouds overhead to represent Egypt ( they were enslaved in)  which they're leaving and brighter skies to represent safety obviously but I noted another potential reason. People always talk about this story and talk about the faith it took moses to split the sea. I think the skies show the faith it took the children of israel to follow moses and cross the sea. All they can see is the dark sky and lighting when they first started and the grand waves covering the other side They just have to trust moses and have faith that the other sides clear and nicer when they started walking. They can't see the beautiful sky but they trust moses, have faith, and go forward with him anyway.

We were in Hawaii for our second call. We were able to add Josh and Reggie into the call! In the morning, Zach asked laundry questions (Shout or Spray n Wash...). We loved talking to him!

***If you have questions about what a mission even is - then you might want to check out 
some Q&A's at our family blog Raising Flowers and Skids

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