Sunday, October 11, 2020

Week 59: 3 companions and lots of talks

 Hello everyone!

This week was really really good!

2 days worth of general conference (semi annual conference where our church leaders speak and drop comfort and wisdom on us) and 2 days worth of exchanges ( changing companions and and sometimes areas for a day). So the week went by fast fast.

General conference was amazing. We watched it mainly as missionaries with minimal snack but my spirit got fed. They talked so much about trials being hard, but GOOD. I always need that reminder. Why we have trials and how awesome they are , and w a loving god on our side we can get the most out of challenges and fulfill life's purpose of growth! But we can also acknowledge they're hard!  Even when it feels like God isn't there, he is, always with us, "pure love personified". He is there for His children always, but won't just remove trials, despite being able to. They also spoke so much about love and loving everyone. Just so many messages I and many needed to hear ! I highly suggest looking it up and checking it out! 

Aa for the exchanges, I did an overnight exchange with the zone leader elder Fetzer in our area and a day one with elder Allen in his. Fetzer got special permission to come overnight which was lit. Going with a new comp for the day always teaches me an insane amount, giving me new ideas and things to work on. The missionaries I went with are a lot more like me, work and friend wise, So the days flew by. They're just different in lessons and with people too so its refreshing. 

I also learned to appreciate vegetables as I harvested some in a service project. They are way cooler than I thought. How they grow and what part we eat!

I also saw llamas w Allen.

All in all a great week comes to a close. No 18 month mission announcement in general conference sadly, but with weeks flying by I may not need it. Just kidding, I'd still take it.

Have a great week

Love, Elder Fiore

1. General conference with Lawrence!
2.Tahitian bread pass off. She makes it for me
3. SCandalous
4. Pumkin service. This is what was posted on IG. Pray for FB
5-8 Coulee Hike! with our "district". Not actually a district but our bubble we chill with!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Week 58: Face of the missionaries


We had a wide variety of activities, from service, to visits, to lessons!

We planned to volunteer at a fun run thing but they finished early so we showed up and it was done. The one thing the said we could do was pose for pictures!  They'll be posted to the church of jesus christ canada pages! Official church stuff! We are the face of the ppl that actually volunteered. We were gonna actually help too but she said don't get dirty, so we didn't. We also got pizza and pumpkins! And the event being cancelled enabled us to go to the soup kitchen which was fun! 

Teaching wise our biggest progressing person is Taylor! She is incredible. She Is dating a now returning member and they just got engaged! They set a marriage date, and now she has a baptism date! She quit smoking, drinking and other things like that through blessings and her own faiths and effort. Her fiance is in the process too. She's so ready for the gospel and has such a strong desire. We go so in depth, she reads the book of mormon, and does so much studying on her own. Most ready person I've taught by far! And just so normal lol! Her fiance who is also so hype gave me a tie too, so obviously I love them.

We gave an on spot impromptu chapel tour with someone we kinda teach who just happened to be walking by. It was funny.

I also called Mami anna for her 72nd birthday. If you've consistently read my emails, you know mami anna. I talked with her and Terehau, sang happy birthday in Tahitian and it made me miss Tahiti sooo much. Mami Anna said they did "absolutely nothing" in the day, so I naturally asked if they read the Book of mormon. She said "we were too busy!!!". Ok mami, you win. It's your birthday. 

Lastly, we had a fun 2.5 hour member visit with someone in home MTC and his fam!  We tried to hint at leaving, they didn't bite  so we figured we had nothing better to do, so we stayed ! I love members haha.

Hope everyone has a good week! Don't be like mami anna. Read the book of mormon. (She promised to the next day do not stress). Trust, it's super good.

Elder Fiore

1. Grady and fam- 8 year old being baptized we taught!
2-4- Amazing package from Rachael Clement. It was so good she gets full name. It was such a hype package. A shirt, PINS, a christmas tie, snacks, letters, lip balm etc. SOOO good. It was mini christmas.
5- Service
6- Xander has a scrunchy meaning he has a GF
7- PDAY hikes (walks)


Extra photos

Week 57: Online missionary work in uncharted territory


No week is actually super eventful here but there are some fun moments!

We had a guy message and ask for a bible study. Naturally we said sure, so we planned a time and he sent a link. We got on and there were 3 screens of people, so it was a little weird. All were black screens. One screen turned on, and it was Ritz! The guy who set up the study! He introduced himself and it was chill. He then said he invited his friend, who was about to turn on his camera! So we were happy! He invited friends! His friends screen turned on and it was a... pastor! Even better than just a pastor sitting there was that he was standing at a pulpit in a suit! He shared with us 3 powerpoints and we taught each other lots. It was fun. He was kind of all over the place though smh. 

Another fun missionary experience was making and dropping off cookies. Honestly huge success. Everyone was so happy, and someone we are teaching even  posted about it on facebook. Unfortunately we burned like 30 cookies so we couldn't give out as many. Other than that, we did well. It's crazy how much love the little things show, and how much people appreciate them. Such simple actions can make big differences. And it's easy for us to do the simple things !

We have been meeting with a recent convert named jenn weekly. At this point we pretty much just gossip and talk about life, read texts and are her friends. Another little action that goes a long way! Just talking and listening to her! She was sad she's still single and mid 30s and has had some complicated relationships in the past. She was very sad about being single I'd even say and was struggling a lot. So naturally, I got her on mutual (tinder for members of the church). Lots of funny stories and texts later, but only a week into having the app, she found a guy and soon after drove 9 hours to Saskatchewan to meet him and stay the week with him and his fam. He is also a member and they are now dating! The app was a huge success and she's so happy. So yea, I did that. She said she wanted to do a joint wedding but I politely declined. She's so hype though. 

We also played basketball one night under the stars in the crisp air. It was a beautiful moment tbh. Technically not allowed though mission rule.wise now, but it felt so good to play and be out.

So yea, look for little ways to serve one another. Go out of your way slightly to make someone's day. Little actions can have lasting impacts on others and ourselves.  "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass"Alma 37:6. Small actions change lives. 

Hope everyone has a great week! 

Elder Fiore

1. Soup Kitchen
2. Sneaky Bible study. Pastor on pulpit
3.Service! Sanding!
4.Chillin w Jenn!
5.Zone conference w the boys
6.Cookie baking! Great success
7. Part of the district! random selfie.

The Homecoming!

 To say we were excited is an understatement! I spoke with Zach that morning before he left: We were all anxiously awaiting at the airport! ...