Monday, February 3, 2020

Week 23: Casting Out Evil Spirits

Hello everyone, 

Another grind week here in Pirae which was good but I'm gassed. I'm so tired lol. Every day we are nonstop which makes the days go by fast but also feel so long. Biking makes it more of a grind but I'm getting better and can make it up the big hill suddenly.

Some people are so rude. My least favourite thing is people just cancelling lessons like it's nothing when we are standing there dripping with sweat and soaked in shirt and tie ready for them. Or just simply not showing up. It's annoying, but because we've been so busy with teaching we haven't visited anyone, so at least we have time for inactive and old people visits. 

My favourite thing this week was visiting Roger after he didn't come to church, despite saying he would. We asked why he didn't come and his answer was literally ``Maybe I had something to do?". Not in a rude way but in a not knowing way. We then said "wdym maybe. Did you or did you not". He answered saying maybe his girlfriend's mom was in the hospital. When we offered to visit, she was maybe out. We let it be and asked what he had been up to that day. He had been looking at the plants and trees and gestured to a mountain behind him. Now i see why he didn't come. He was super busy doing that. This is the same couple though that can't be baptized due to concubinage, but don't even live together. He just sleeps in her bed and she can't say no. They're jokers.

So the kind of unique part of the week was when we got asked to give a blessing and when we got there found out it was to cast out an evil spirit that had been bothering a sister, and choking her even. It was scary hearing her talk about it. We blessed her, then went to her house after and blessed the house commanding the spirit to leave and blessing the house as one of God and good spirits. I'm gonna be honest, there was not a good feeling in there and it was a little scary. It kinda shows with all the good and miracles we witness, with the Spirit we feel so often, there is the other side. I know many don't believe in ghosts, and I'm not saying it's like in the movies, but Satan does exist, and so do his spirits. I have felt the highs and the lows. I know Satan's a part of this work and that was made apparent this week. The thing that was also made clear though is that God and the light always beats darkness. I have absolute confidence in what we did. The woman isn't even crazy btw - she's normal.

We also had a very religious person, huge faith,  pray for the first time outloud in her life. She was crying throughout and the Spirit was so strong and her prayer was so powerful. That was really beautiful. Figured I'd end on a good note.

I'm ready for another grind as we are all booked up. It's hard but I enjoy it more now. I come home in a year and a half which is crazy. It's been tough so far but continues to get better each week.

I love you all 

Elder Fiore 


Mom note: It is always so nice seeing Zach on our video calls. He is working so hard. He's enjoying his new companion, and enjoying the others he lives with. He still struggles in the morning with anxiety, but he is coping. He is such an example of determination, perseverance and commitment. He really just wants to serve and we are so proud of him - for his service - and his vulnerability in sharing his struggles. Life is tough and his young self is learning that and along the way he is maturing and developing compassion and empathy. He's truly an example to me:)

A few random pics of his apartment and his roommates:

Random photos he uploaded:

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